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At PT Catur Elang Perkasa, we believe in the power of sustainability to drive positive change in our communities and the world. Guided by our vision of Resilience, Growth, and Honor —we are committed to these principles in all our endeavors.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives reflect these values, focusing on five key areas: clean energy projects, health & well-being, religion, social aid, and education and cultural development.


Our clean energy projects aim to reduce our carbon footprint and promote renewable energy sources, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

Our commitment to clean energy is at the core of our CSR strategy. We actively invest in renewable energy projects that reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental sustainability. By developing solar and wind energy installations, we aim to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels and support the transition to a greener economy. Our clean energy initiatives not only help protect the environment but also create job opportunities and stimulate local economies.

Malang, Jawa Timur (2022)

Installation Solar Panel in Darrussa'adah.

Pandeglang, Banten (2024)

Installed a Water Fountain.

Cilangkap, Jakarta (2024)

Installion a Water Fountain.

In health & well-being, we strive to enhance the quality of life by supporting medical treatments and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Health and well-being are fundamental to sustainable development. We support medical treatment programs that provide essential healthcare services to underserved communities. Our initiatives include funding for medical equipment, supporting health clinics, and organizing health camps that offer free check-ups and treatments. By improving access to quality healthcare, we strive to enhance the overall well-being of the communities we serve.

Meruyung, Depok

Free Medical Treatment.

Pondok Labu, Jakarta

Free Medical Treatment.

Our commitment to religion involves respecting and supporting diverse beliefs, fostering harmony within our communities.

We support religious initiatives that foster peace, tolerance, and mutual understanding. This includes funding for the construction and maintenance of places of worship, supporting religious festivals, and organizing interfaith dialogues. By promoting religious harmony, we contribute to social cohesion and stability, which are essential for sustainable development.

Depok, Jawa Barat

Friday Blessing Rice Distribution Programs.

Pondok Labu, Jakarta

Friday Blessing Charity Program.

Yogyakarta and Sragen (2024)

Supported religious visitation activities.

Through social aid, we provide assistance to those in need, promoting social welfare and equality.

Our social aid programs aim to provide immediate relief and long-term support to vulnerable populations. We collaborate with local NGOs and community organizations to deliver food, clothing, and shelter to those in need. Our initiatives also include disaster relief efforts, where we provide emergency assistance to communities affected by natural calamities. Through our social aid programs, we ensure that no one is left behind in our pursuit of sustainable development.

Pondok Labu, Jakarta

Financial Assistance for Orphans.

Pondok Labu, Jakarta

Organized a community blood donation drive.

Our CSR initiative focuses on advancing education by providing opportunities for young individuals to gain valuable skills in technology and innovation.

Through various programs such as bootcamps and sponsorships, we aim to empower future generations. These efforts support both academic growth and practical expertise, helping participants succeed in an increasingly technology-driven world while promoting sustainability and innovation in key sectors.

Malang, Jawa Timur (2024)

Sponsorship of Apatte Universitas Brawijaya.