
First established in 1994 in Surabaya, some young professionals from different knowledge, profession, and disciplines gather to bring their vision and mission together in a national company called PT Catur Elang Perkasa. Having been in the industry for more than 30 years, PT Catur Elang Perkasa has a long-standing reputation in doing elegant and professional business that specializes in EPC, construction, and operation & maintenance.

While providing contributions and real acts of our services, PT Catur Elang Perkasa is reinforced with ISO 45001:2018 and 14001:2015 certifications and strict upholding of professional principals and high dedication. The team believes that active participation combined with elegant and professional work ethics will allow PT Catur Elang Perkasa to continue giving its best effort to help solve every problem faced by our customers with satisfying results.

Since 1994

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Aims to assist the government to encourage Indonesian people to switch to renewable energy and support the world's campaign to reduce carbon emissions that can damage the earth's ozone layer.

We synergize advanced green technology with decades of industry expertise to optimize project implementation while prioritizing sustainability and environmental conservation.

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